
The world is unfair.

Get used to it.

In a new world where the Mark Zuckerbergs, Jack Mas and Elon Musks trail blaze with superhuman feats, disrupting long established business structures and shaking up the lives of many whose livelihood depends on, what’s going to happen to the rest of us mere mortals who were brought up under the umbrella of a bygone era? Success to us was stability - get into a good school, get good grades, get a good job and retire comfortably. A life trajectory that never veers off course, never messes up.

What should an individual do in this topsy-turvy world where all the rules that once defined success have taken a whole new course? Sink, swim or thrive?


Can you?

Thriving is not merely being financially successful. It is also to be fulfilled, happy and making a difference.

Are you thriving? Or do you just have a job?

Many people are already struggling to do well in the rat-race called ‘career’ amidst the seismic changes to the world. Add robots and Artificial Intelligence into the mix, do they even stand a chance to keep their jobs, much less thrive?

In an unfair world, we need an unfair advantage to succeed, be happy and thrive. Our unfair advantage is found in us, as unique as each human being. This book, with stories from across the globe, is about how to turn your uniqueness into your greatest asset in a world that is becoming more and more challenging - so that you can beat the odds, have a successful career and thrive.

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